Magia runelor

Runele sunt simboluri care atunci cand sunt desenate, pictate, sculptate sau vizualizate, elibereaaza energii specifice. Ca atare, magia runelor este uimitor de simplu de practicat si astazi ea renaste.

In vremuri stravechi, runele erau scrijelite in coaja de mesteacan, in oase sau in lemn. Erau sculptate pe arme pentru a asigura lovituri precise, erau gravate pe cupe si pocale pentru prevenirea otravirilor si insemnate pe bunuri sau in casa pentru protectie.

Dar aceste figuri sunt inconjurate de multa confuzie.Unii considera ca runele in sine contin energii ascunse. La fel se spune si despre pentagrama sau alte simboluri magice. Se crede, de fapt, ca doar prin simpla desenare a runelor, magicianul elibereaaza energii supranaturale.

Nu este cazul. Runele sunt instrumente ale magiei. Puterea lor se afla in interiorul utilizatorului. Daca se intampla ca vecinul meu sa mazgaleasca pe un servetel o runa tamaduitoare si, mai tarziu, sa-l foloseasca ca sa-si stearga fruntea, nici o energie tamaduitoare nu-i va fi transferata, pur si simplu din cauza ca nu a pus nici una in runa.

Runele trebuie folosite cu energie pentru a fi eficiente din punct de vedere magic. Sculptate, pictate sau trasate - cu vizualizare si energie personala.

Modalitatile de utilizare a runelor sunt limitate doar de imaginatia voastra. De exemplu, daca o prietena ma roaga sa-i grabesc insanatosirea dupa o boala, pot desena o runa pe o bucata curata de hartie, dupa care sa ma asez in fata acesteia.

In timp ce ma concentrez la runa, vizualizez ca prietena mea este vindecata si cu o stare de sanatate buna. Apoi, dupa ridicarea energiei personale, ii voi trimite ei energia in forma runei. As vedea cum se angreneaza cu trupul prietenei mele, deblocand, linistind, vindecand.

Sau pot sculpta runa pe o bucata de lemn de cedru, vizualizand iarasi sanatatea perfecta, pentru ca apoi sa i-o dau prietenei mele sa o poarte.

Runele mai pot fi: modelate in mancare - cu energie 0 si apoi mancate pentru a readuce acea energie specifica inapoi in corp; marcate cu ulei pe o persoana si vizualizare; scrijeleste pe o lumanare care apoi este arsa pentru a-si elibera energiile; trasate sau vizualizate intr-un bazin sau in cada de baie inainte de a intra in ele.

Un comentariu:

  1. My name is Ulrika Charles living in Stockholm-sweden. few days ago I read a post-comment on a relational counseling blog about a Lady from LA Based Journalist Reveals How he Parmentian Cured Weak Erection & Quick Ejaculation 6 months after His wife Left Him and also said Chief Priest Oduduwa bring his ex wife after divorcing.
    I was so lucky to come across Dr. Oduduwa Love-Spell Caster personal email address
    I contact same Priest Oduduwa because of my challenges in marriage life,
    I'm not sure I could have done this without the help of oduduwa. I would have given up and believed that because my husband was seeing someone else and he said that was over between us, my husband Alien slund look straight to my face and said we were done with the marriage relationship and took my son Felix and travel our country to Spain. I've been trying to call him and send his messages to him but he completely bloated my line from reaching him, I was so frustrated and needed help to at least get to talk with him to apologize and hear the voice of my son again, he took my son away from me for 11 months no words. i needed urgent help to resolve this problem so i contact e-mail address of Oduduwa as i believe he can only be hope
    to help me bring my husband home with my son back. Oduduwa assure me that he can help me bring him back home, and obey and follow his instructions step by step, 2 days After Dr.oduduwa lunched a Magic Love-spel on my behalf at his Temple, my husband Aslund called me on cell phone he's sorry for everything he did to hurt my feelings and he's coming back home with me Felix, I'm so happy today that I have my family restored and my husband and I love each other more than ever before now. Thanks to Oduduwa love-spell caster for bringing back my husband home. We are forever appreciate and greateful to Oduduwa assistance.
    today I'm testifying with joy and happiness to the world ...
    I have this Powerful Intentions that things will work for me and also with you out here having similar relationship crisis, and I believe in the testimonials are real life proves. I realised this would be good to share here as I know it will inspire others too.
    Oduduwa told me that he can solve the following problems for instant solutions;
    * Love Spells Win-Back Ex lover
    * Success & promotion magic spell
    * lucky charm - BUSINESS STAR
    * wards - PROTECTIVE HOOK
    * curse resolution, spiritual cleansing from evil spirit.
    * Traditional Roots and Herbs to Cure Sickness, Cure to Cancer Disease, HIV Cure
    * fertility magic - FRUITS OF WOMEN have children.
    * decreeing magic, SPELL LOTTERY & WIN-GAMES SPELL
    here you can send message to Oduduwa to help you instantly solution within 42hours
    Oduduwa personal email address dr.oduduwaspellcaster@gmail.com
    Oduduwa personal Whatsapp number +2348109844548.
